How do you get your movie get into the Cannes Film Festival and does it matter if you don't? It's taken blood, sweat & tears to get the movie made - what would a festival play do for you: Film festivals will give you a platform and showcase the film and your talent. Acquisitions executives attend film festivals hoping to find a diamond in the rough – the new voice and vision for the future. Getting your movie into a film festival increases your chances of being noticed by the ...
how can you sell a movie to netflix?
How can you sell a movie to Netflix? As of January 2019, CNN stated that Netflix has 139 million subscribers! Out of that audience, there will be some who would like to see your movie ... ..but how can you sell a movie to Netflix? THE AGGREGATOR Aggregators work with all the SVOD / digital platforms - Netflix, Amazon, Apple etc.They have ongoing relationships and know what content at what price works.A good partner will help you focus the project in order to appeal to the SVODs ...
Get the Audience to See Your Movie
As a filmmaker, how do you get the audience to see your movie?Usually your focus, of course, is on making the film.However, movie making is a commercial enterprise - you're creating a PRODUCT for an END USER. Sure, it isn't artistic to think of it this way - but overall we want people to see & enjoy our movies.So ... how to get the audience to see your movie?STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD According to the Stephen Fellows report, thousands of movies are made each year - many of them never get a ...
finding a writer for your project
Finding a writer for your project. You have a great idea - you know the story you would like to tell, you can visualise it ... but you're a producer or director not a screenwriter. You need a writer to interpret that vision and to breathe life into your characters; to create the world for the audience. How do you go about finding a writer for your project? So, how do you go about finding a writer for your project? Sign up to screenwriting magazines / online forums and ...
Movies: Pitching to Sales and Distribution
How do you begin pitching to sales and distribution? You've written a script and sent it out. You've waited for a response but it's been so long, that you've had enough time to produce a mood reel. You send out the mood reel and ... it gets a positive response. The same people who haven't put aside 90 minutes to read a script have 5 minutes to view the reel. This is your opportunity to pitch to sales & distribution partners. Why don't they read the script? Time ...
10 Questions in 10 Minutes : Chris Foggin (Director)
Chris Foggin / Director This week I asked movie director, Chris Foggin, 10 questions in 10 minutes about working in the movie business. Chris's new film, FISHERMAN'S FRIENDS, is released in the UK on 15 March. This is his second movie - a follow up to his debut feature KIDS IN LOVE and his amazing short films THAT NIGHT and FRIEND REQUEST PENDING. 10 Questions in 10 Minutes 1. What inspired you to become a film director I wanted to make films that brought families ...